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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Jet Cleaner

This is the first year we have owned a Jet Tub and I never really thought that the jets/pipes would need to be cleaned. I mean, I have scrubbed the heck out of the inside of the tub, but the jets? Well, my husband brought it up and I went on the hunt for a good cleaner. Worth a try right? well holy cow, this cleaner amazed me! I guess dead skin, gunk, fungus all get in those pipes and jets and just hang out. Here is the product I used and I can't say enough good things about it ALONG with the link to amazon.

*no I did not receive this product for free or asked to review it*

Lemon MINT water

I have this newest obsession... Ice water with fresh lemon and mint! I was at Walmart (which is a pretty rare occurrence for me) and I found in the produce section, a live mint plant *organic*. I couldn't resist. I started cleaning a few leaves a day and tossing them in a glass with lemon, ice, and water (sparkling or regular) and wow! it is soooo delicious. The mint and lemon work very well together and are quite refreshing. Mint also carries great health benefits such as soothing the digestive tract, blood cleanser, reduces the growth of bacteria and fungus, and may help prevent different types of cancer. I say... DRINK UP!


I am a HUGE pinterest fan and I am ALWAYS trying new recipes. I have to say there are some that I am glad I tried and some that I am sad to say just didn't work for me.

When I come across a really good recipe I stick it in my regular cooking pile. If you like yummy steak, this is the recipe for you. I found this recipe off of "Lauren's Latest" a blog with some great food recipes. Here is a picture of how MY STEAKS looked with Lauren's recipe & yes, it's true... you can buy cheap cuts of steak and they turn out wonderfully.

It all starts off with some butter in a pan. Sweet sweet butter. Turn your pan up so its screaming hot. For me, thats medium high. If you turn our burner on high, I swear it’ll burn the place down. Also, preheat the oven to 350.

Next comes our lovely Sirloin. We had some awesome steaks in this one! Salt and pepper the one side of the meat, place it seasoning side down into the pan and then add the s&p to the other side.

It’ll look something like this. Sizzle away, boys! You want the one side to get dark and yummy looking. Kind of vague with the description…..I can do better: cook your meat 3-4 minutes on the first side without touching it or moving it around. Movement=bad.

Now, when you are ready, flip your steaks over, top them with butter and throw them into your hot oven for 5 minutes, keeping them in the same skillet! Did I mention you need to use an oven proof pan? Oops...

So, after 5 minutes, take them out of the oven, transfer them to a plate and cover them with foil. Let these babies rest! They’ve been through a lot, after all

After 5 minutes, take the foil off and slice thinly and for everything that pure and holy, cut against the grain!!